Thursday, March 5, 2015

Biased Law Enforcement In America


DOJ's report on racial bias in Saint Louis County, Missouri shows Missourians what we already knew about law enforcement and connection with a famous hate group known as the Ku Klux Klan. Further research would show that the created Department Of Homeland Security's labor force is largely from the same famous hate group meaning that law enforcement nationwide is racially biased and nationwide reform is needed! 90% of racially motivated crimes since 2006 can be directly linked to the Department Of Homeland Security! The Justice Department needs to expand the investigation so racial biased can be identified in all law enforcement agencies nationwide. Then and only then will we start to see effective reform in law enforcement. It's odd that St. Louis county is the only county included in the report seeing that there has been an on-going  pattern nationwide for years especially since the creation of the Department Of Homeland Security!
Micheal D. Bell Sr.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Today's Unanswered Question


    Today as I write I am puzzled by many things. I look into the future and think about history that has been made and the engine behind the history. Do we have a black president because we the people decided that is what we wanted collectively or is it because we were blind and tricked? Former president Bush called it "The Shock and Awe campaign!" While we minorities were dreaming of the first black president did the Ku Klux Klan dangle the dream of a black president in our faces knowing we were eager to make history?  Meanwhile the president is black and carrying on George W. Bush III's agenda! This president defends Isis, is terrorist friendly and believes in a Gestapo American State! Is this president the leader of the Klan? What president has ever been terrorist friendly? President Obama and Momar Kaddafi on the red carpet $100,000,000 exchanged! Is Momar dead? I doubt that very seriously and is part of a bigger plan. The CIA Codename ISIS along with the Neo-Nazi's here in the United States have the same if you ain't white agenda has been the same since the beginning of time "The Fall Of Mankind" Also known as Satan! Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.....we have all been warned! Using the word of God to kill, steal, and destroy is the above groups claim to fame and it doesn't take a genius to recognize the signs. No wonder they want God out of school, government and everywhere else God has a rightful place. Without God, morals go out the window and there is no reason to say this is wrong or God would not approve of this! They don't believe in God so it doesn't matter to them. However, those who do believe in God will always oppose oppression, therefore we will always be a targets in the war on terrorism. Christian Identity Groups (White-Supremist) all over this country and around the world are united on an agenda to hate at all cost. While we on the other hand must love at all cost to preserve our way of life. "Live Free Or Die!" This The United States Of America is not nor can ever be a dictatorship!  This not what the founding father's intended or we would have remained under British rule and never fought the War Of Independence. In closing the lack of concern for the American people comes from hatred, greed and deregulation. In the end only caring about profits and not the safety or the future of America! 2016 rapidly approaches and I ask the next president of the United States how does she go about fixing these issues and what does she do when she is placed on the hot seat for not being able to explain affiliations with terrorist types and not having a solution to immorality or a plan to regulate those things that are current and future downfalls of this country. They say our current president is a leader of a hate group the Ku Klux Klan.  Hillary Clinton, future president of the United States, what do you say to this and what is your solution? There is no doubt that history will be made again in 2016 with the first woman president. As the wife of Americas favorite president what do you do to fix the mistakes of the former presidents, especially the Bushes and current black president Barack Obama? How do you convince the American people that this country doesn't have ties to terrorist nations and your in no way tied to a hate group? What are you willing to do as the first woman president to strengthen the United States of America or put a woman's touch on the matters at hand? These are my questions and I am sure the American people want answers to the same questions and I for one am looking forward to those answers myself.

 Micheal D. Bell Sr.